Trubuild WRP 777

Water Repellent
Trubuild WRP 777 (Water Repellent) is a silane-based, non-flammable, water-soluble solution designed to incorporate water repellence in various surfaces such as sandstone, marble, concrete, exposed bricks, and terracotta tiles. It is used for waterproofing most construction surfaces, as it deeply penetrates the surface and provides excellent water repellence without altering the appearance or color of the substrate.

Meets the requirement of IS: 12027: 1987
Appearance Transparent
Colour Colorless
Density (gm/cc) 1.01 ± 0.01
% Active Ingredient 2.5-3.5%
Surface Dry Times, minutes 20-30
Water Repellence IS: 12027: 1987 Repel water in bead form
Water Absorption % IS: 12027: 1987 Pass,<3%

Benefits of Trubuild WRP 777 are -
Brushable and easy-to-use
Trubuild WRP 777 is breathable, penetrable and supplied in ready-to-use form
Doesn't stain or alter the appearance and color of the substrate
Cost effective
Anti-Fungal & waterproof for porous stone, concrete, plasters, etc.
Due to its low viscosity, the penetration into the substrate is very high
Use of Trubuild WRP 777 reduces efflorescence, improves resistance to the effects of weathering and seals porous substrates against moisture

Trubuild WRP 777 is available in the following packaging:

  • As a sealer for sand stone, concrete & marble surfaces
  • Can be used on any porous substrate

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